The TTA Story
Discouraged by watching those suffering from addiction, relapse after treatment and struggle to afford it, Peter Marinelli – an internationally respected speaker – recognized a new approach was needed. After several years of planning and achieving funding, Peter and his support team opened the doors to Through The Archway, and the results have been overwhelmingly positive. With faith and the willingness to serve at the forefront of this movement, Peter Marinelli and team have pioneered an innovative, warm-cultured program fueled by optimism, accountability and consistency.
In May of 2022, Through The Archway added a team of clinical and medical experts to supplement its profoundly impactful spiritual approach through a partnership with The Sylvia Brafman Mental Health Center. With a unique story of recovery and redemption in its own right, this combination bolstered Through The Archway to attack addiction and alcoholism from all angles.