Quotes About Adverse Childhood Experiences

Did you know that around 60% of people had adverse childhood experiences? This number is astounding and unfortunate. This means that over 34,000,000 kids a year have at least one adverse childhood experience happen to them. 

If you were affected by childhood trauma, you likely know how it impacts a person’s life. However, here at Through the Archway, we offer treatment for those who have gone through adverse childhood experiences. We also do our best to help motivate people in recovery from ACEs, as well. Today, we are going to share some quotes about childhood trauma and healing from ACEs to help you and others to heal.

Comes in Many Forms

“Childhood trauma doesn’t come in one single package,” by Dr. Asa Don Brown. This basically means that childhood trauma isn’t one specific event that is the same for everyone. It can happen in many different ways from car accidents to physical abuse to emotional abuse and more. 

If you had any childhood experience that was or is negatively impacting your life, this could be classified as an ACE. If you need help overcoming it, reach out to our Through the Archway team today.

Behavior Changes Due to Trauma

“Behavior is the language of trauma. Children will show you before they tell you that they are in distress,” by Micere Keels. If you have children in your life, keep an eye out for signs that they are in distress such as lying, isolating themselves, being clingy, etc. If you notice something odd about their behavior, be sure to address it. They may not come right out and tell you what is bothering them, though, so don’t be pushy and demand an answer. Sit with them on occasion and talk to them calmly. See if they will open up to you.

Misbehavior Doesn’t Equal a Bad Person

“Nine times out of ten, the story behind the misbehavior won’t make you angry, it will break your heart,” by Annette Breaux. Most of the time, the reason someone is acting out isn’t because they are a bad person, it is because they have something going on internally that is tough for them to talk about, so it comes out in their behaviors. This happens for children, adolescents and adults. 

If you or someone you know is misbehaving, think about why it could be happening. Then, address the situation according to those thoughts, instead of the ones that are thinking that person is being bad. 

adverse childhood experiences

Issues with Students

“Students with childhood trauma don’t have faulty brains. They have minds designed in threatening environments to help them survive,” inspired by Peggy Leigh. Basically, if you know of a student who is not doing well or is acting out, it could be due to adverse childhood experiences. They may have gone through some sort of threatening situation in which they just needed to survive. The way they are acting now could be a result of surviving and not thriving. 


“Repeated childhood trauma causes a child to live in a constant state of hypervigilance, always alert to impending perceived danger,” by unknown. 

If you or someone in your life is constantly hypervigilant, it could be due to childhood trauma. Some people suppress their traumatic memories, so they don’t have to think about them. In these cases, the person may not even be aware of why they are so hypervigilant. However, there are therapies and other treatments such as the ones we have here at Through the Archway that can help to uncover these memories and encourage the healing process. 

Don’t Need Additional Punishment

“Kids with trauma history don’t need more punishment. And quite frankly, they don’t need more stickers,” by Dr. Ross Greene. 

There are many different ways that adults handle children who misbehave. Sometimes, it is through more punishment and other times, it is through earning rewards. The truth is that children who are suffering from adverse childhood experiences don’t need more punishment or rewards. They need compassion, understanding and healing. 

Connection vs. Protection

“Our brains are wired for connection, but trauma rewires them for protection. That’s why healthy relationships are difficult for wounded people,” by Ryan North. 

If you or someone you know are in a relationship that is constantly having problems, it could be due to the fact that one or both people had adverse childhood experiences or ACEs. The thing is those who don’t have these experiences often come from a place or state of connection. Those who dealt with trauma in childhood learned how to survive and protect themselves, the best they could. This behavior usually carries along with them into adulthood. 

Reactions not Always Memories

“Trauma comes back as a reaction, not a memory,” by Bessel Van Der Kolk. 

As noted above, some people will repress their memories to protect themselves from the hurt and pain. This is a survival mechanism that is quite common. When this happens, it doesn’t make the adverse childhood experiences go away. However, it does usually result in the memories coming up as reactions to feelings and situations instead of just thoughts about the traumatic experience. 

Save Ourselves

“As traumatized children, we always dreamed that someone would come and save us. We never dreamed that it would, in fact, be ourselves as adults,” by Alice Little. 

When it comes to healing from and overcoming the effects of adverse childhood experiences, children often stay wounded for a long time. They don’t have the coping mechanisms to help them overcome these issues on their own. They pray and hope for someone to save them. Over time, and with professional help, they realize they can save themselves. It takes support, encouragement and treatment, but you can do this. 

Overcome Adverse Childhood Experiences with Help Today

Did you have adverse childhood experiences? If so, know right now that you aren’t alone. There are millions of others who had trauma in their childhood, too. The good news is that you can overcome ACEs with some professional treatment here at Through the Archway. Our team is trained and experienced in handling and helping people who have gone through childhood trauma.

Contact us today to start overcoming the effects of adverse childhood experiences.


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